All God's Creatures

By mcrphotography

T - 3 Days and Counting

I've come this far. I must finish it out to the 12th when the moon will be full. I hope these shots are getting better. I'm shooting several different shutter speeds each night and then choosing what I deem the best. It's interesting how as the sun hits more of the moon each night* the craters seem to blend into the surface, losing their definition. When the moon is about half full the craters are very defined along the edge of darkness. At that point in the moon's phase the edge is also more perpendicular to our point of view than say 3/4 full. Scroll back through the last few days and you will see what I mean.

* Actually the sun is illuminating the moon at a constant rate. We only see it for, at most, half of it's travel around the earth. If you were to measure the shadow cast at moonrise versus moonset you would see a significant change, almost half of what you would expect for the following evening.

Maybe one of these days Google will come out with GoogleMoon and then you could actually see the lunar modules left behind from the missions.

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