The end of innocence, not just yet thanks

A question which I have asked myself many times over the years is one I guess many people must ask themselves. It is to do with the end of innocence, discussing major human tragedies which occurred with one's children, an anniversary of one is just about upon us and the question is when you learn something like this as a child what do you think?

Do you wish to form and shape the lives of those you love so early or protect them a wee bit longer? My eldest, to the best of my knowledge is unaware of the Twin Towers attacks, or certainly the full picture. Having watched a documentary today regarding conspiracy theorists, I'm not sure anyone is fully aware of it all.

I recall hearing the story of relatives watching Titanic with their children who then refused to go in a boat for years. I also remember watching Claude Lanzmann's Shoah when it came out and wondering what would be an acceptable age to watch something so disturbing.

Today having been ill all day and having not gone to work, I spent a large part of the day contemplating such things.

I understand it was a mild


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