my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Wolves @win

I had a lot going on this week - in work and out.

So preoccupied that I forgot to mention I won the Twitter @booktrust picture book review in 140 characters competition!

Very chuffed. I picked Wolves by Emily Gravett because she is mine and Evie's favourite author / illustrator and I love the dark humour that she injects in her books. Eve and I had read Wolves just the other night.

The winning review by @kate_librarian was

"Cute rabbit borrows library book about wolves. Rabbit does not get eaten by a wolf. Probably. 'Wolves' E Gravett"

I won't give away the ending but you can see for sure in my blip that things worked out well for one of our furry friends.

Book and Illustration (C) Emily Gravett

Wolves - get it from your local library...just like Rabbit did.

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