Lali's World

By Lali

Food 11 - My lunch today

Not a great blip, I know, but this was my back-up picture today in case I didn't find anything else food related to take a picture of today, since I was travelling to Barcelona.

Now, you won't believe what's happened to me! As soon as I set foot in Barcelona, MY CAMERA WAS STOLEN! GRRRR! Sad and angry. Can't explain... At least, nothing else was stolen and I wasn't harmed in any way...

I had the brilliant idea of uploading this picture in my computer before leaving the flat, so this is how I still have it, but that's the only one I have, unfortunately.

Not a great start of my holidays, I have to say... I hope it gets better. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to try and buy a new camera. Not a happy bunny! :(

Changing the subject. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and compliments about the wedding cake! They put a smile on my face and you made me hit the spotlight again. You're wonderful!

If I get a new camera, I'll be blipping from Barcelona and I'll try my best to catch up with your journals and make comments, although it might not be possible every day. Really sorry. See what happens...

Thanks again for your comments! I hope you all had a better day than me!

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