So soon?

This is possibly a record.

3 days in to the new term and I have a cold. Earache, sore throat, shivers.

In addition to some schnozz spray I am adopting the Grandad Tattyhead approach to minor illness. Always involve alcohol.

So, early night - very shortly.

Long day today. Productive. Also good because I actually managed to get five minutes in the company of Kieran.

Long day tomorrow made a little bit worse for the fore-knowledge that I will have to work tomorrow night to produce (another) spreadsheet for Friday.

James still full of it! It's lovely - he's wanting to tell me about his day and listening to him talk reminds me of how important both of my jobs are - being mum first of all but being a teacher too - hearing him talk about his teachers and how great he thinks they are is a strong message about how influential we are as adults in a school.

That's it.

Tomorrow may be an even less inspiring blip. Bear with me.

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