All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Red & yellow & pink & green

Quick blip taken this morning on my way to work. The rainbow was at its best as I was going round Newbridge Roundabout. However, for a change, the lights were all green when I could have done with them staying red for a tad longer, so I couldn't blip it till I arrived at work!

L-o-n-g day at work today, mainly spent trying to migrate all my data to a new laptop. 6 hours down the line and still not sorted, but as it took my colleague 8 hours to do his, I don't feel too bad about it! I then stayed in the office till 7.30pm to catch up on other work, so by the time I got home, Ethan was fed, bathed and in bed. It's weird coming home at this time of night and not seeing him.

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