
By Appreciation

Ghost in the Machine

For five hours now I have attended my 'photography' course. Last night I learnt something that I had not been able to find on my camera - that was thanks to a fellow pupil and not the tutor. However, if that was all I was to learn I was a happy bunny.

Where to start with the tutor? Well it's best just left, but I shall say that Scarlet and I laughed raucously all the way home. We picked the poor soul to shreds. This is the shot I would have loved to have tried. This is the shot that almost everyone in the class took - well those that had cameras?!?!?? I however, was not able to as The main man didn't have the key to the cupboard to get the sync shoe for my camera. 'Really Canon and Nikkon are best'. That's as may be, but I have a Sony and am not about to buy a new camera when 5 hours in, I haven't taken a blooming picture!

Enough moaning. We did pose the question whether the two classes which have been combined was the right approach and that perhaps we needed to assess skill levels as there was a huge range - including some who owned no camera, let alone knew how to take photos. Interesting.

We also did a bit of work on apertures and exposures and their relationship. It was illuminating, and we did manage to skim past this technique. I liked the idea and practice makes perfect. It's also a way of getting both my muses into the same shot - although one needs to learn to stay very, very still.

I should add that on the whole it was a better class than last week and I reminded myself that I haven't paid yet so perhaps I have no cause to quibble.

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