Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Another collage!

Ann's getting sooo clever with her photography these days. Because Helga and Yvonne took such a c*** photo of Ann yesterday she thought she'd show them just how clever she is and make another collage.

Also, I've had such an exciting afternoon I couldn't decide which photo to use for my blip.

First, I went to 'Tesco Extra'. Well that wasn't very exciting because I had to stay in the car.

However, after that we went to 'Godrevy'. I love it there. I can see for miles up and down the coast and I usually get to run off my lead for the whole of the walk. ..................Not today though.

I lay on the grass and stretched, I rolled on the grass and I posed for a blip in front of the lighthouse. Then Ann called me back to her. I thought she maybe had treats or she was going to tell me what a good girl I was being. .......................... But no - she put me on my lead. I just couldn't understand it. I hadn't done anything naughty and we weren't near a road.

But then, look what we saw - some ponies. Ann made me sit and look at them. She stroked me and told me I hadn't done anything naughty - phew, I was a bit worried! She said I'd been put back onto my lead as a 'precaution' in case I went into chase mode .................................. as if?????????

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