The Adventures of Pippin

By kmcameron

Oh my goodness, there's a dog in the oven!

We are having roast Pippin for supper tonight - I'm sure she will be delicious!

Ok, you may have noticed that she isn't really in the oven - but I reckon she would find this pretty funny. I actually took loads of other photos of her as well, cos she was sitting in one of the empty shopping bags again and looked ever so cute. And then started looking longingly at me while I ate my apple, so I couldn't resist taking a few shots of her adoring eyes (directed at the apple, obviously, not me!). We both decided that this new variety called Zari is very nice - takes second place behind Cox's Pippins at the moment!

And I know I've chopped her head in two, but she kept making funny faces in all the other photos I took.

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