Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


...bit of a battle to get the Rooster to do his homework tonight...or I should say a battle to get him to concentrate on it and take his time! My handy eraser was used a wee bit tonight on letters that weren't formed properly...I'm a nasty woman:-)

In other news...the wee fella was sick at Nursery today so Mr R had to collect him home early...he's proceeded to be sick a couple of other times too:-/ He's been OK for the last few hours but I don't want to tempt fate too much on that so...nuf said.

Last week it was colds all round...hope this weeks it's not a tummy bug...colds I can deal with hate tummy minute the washing is up to date...the next you don't have a clean sheet...duvet cover...towel in the house.

Everybody cross your fingers for us;-)

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