Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

All change

Today marked a new phase in my middle son's life; his first day at secondary school. He was so excited this morning I thought he was going to burst! This evening he was still on a high and talked constantly about his new school and how brilliant it is compared to his old school and he did this and that and...etc etc. Well I think it's safe to say that he enjoyed his first day! Long may it continue (knowing my son I'll give it until the middle of next week when the homework is piling up!).

I missed the boys today and decided to keep busy so that I wouldn't start moping about not having a job. As soon as I dropped my little youngest one (there's no way he could be described as little - he wears age 12 - 13 clothes) off at school I went swimming. After swimming 100 lengths I came home feeling great and spent the rest of the day cleaning, shopping and cooking. I was looking forward to a couple of weeks of sorting the house out and a bit of decorating before the supply work starts when the phone rang. Unbelievably one of my regular schools wants me to work tomorrow morning! Eek - very scary and exciting at the same time - it'll be great to get back in the swing of it.

So an early(ish) night is called for after I've sorted my bag out for the morning - night all.

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