vada abditae

By TomS

They say that the two most stressful things in life are moving house and divorce. Of course, plenty of people do much more stressful things - nurses, paramedics, firemen - so perhaps this should be qualified as 'normal life'. But then is divorce normal?

Now I am going off at a tangent. Today we moved apartment, about 2/3rds of a mile across Oslo. But we had to be out of one before we could move into the other, so all our possessions were crammed back into the car and we went geocaching at Frogner Park. Very successful. This geocaching is good fun.

But when we picked p the keys and got to the new flat, it was a pit. The previous occupants had clearly had a party the night before then left for the airport in a hungover rush. Not clear why the cleaners hadn't sorted it out already and it took over an hour to get them there. Then they needed two hours (for a team of professionals) to get the place clean, so we went out an ate sushi, and more sushi.

But now we are in, the place is clean and we are unpacked. The flat is huge and gorgeous and in a great location. Hence the picture.

But I left my laptop in the car, so am having to rely on online Blip-editing tonight,

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