Snippets of Life

By betho

Why are they called Cheaters i wander?

Having waited for 2 days to see a cheater or leopard we finally saw 2 cheaters today. (And one of them twice!) But no leopards sadly.

Having been up at 5.30 again for an early game drive we were meant to leave around 11 but ended up waiting a couple hours as the river you have to cross to get into the reserve was flooded. In the end they arranged to drive us through a neighboring reserve to a footbridge so we could get out to our waiting van.

There were some volunteers from the conservation project also travelling back so our 2 vans set off together. For first half of the journey there is barely a road, what there is is terrible, so bad that the drivers spend as much time driving next to the road because its smoother that way! When we were still 50km from Narok and the good road the second van broke down.

They had a look, G got under it and everything but without even a spanner to use they didn't find much out so we towed them with far too short a tow rope that popped off now and then because of the jerks from the bumps (i think it broke again at one point and got even shorter.) So slowley and painfully we moved towards Narok being held up only by the police who decided it was illegal to be towing (which it wasn't but they'll say anything to get a bit of money off you).

We waited in Narok for over an hour for the mechanic guy to tell us he couldn't fix it so piled the 6 extra people and their huge suitcases into our van and set off with extras squeezed into the back seat and someone on a case in the middle, a proper wazungu matatu. We finally made it home about 9pm, a good 4 or 5 hours later than expected and with our driver having argued his way out of another pointless bribe.

I quite enjoyed the palaver of it all though, TIA right...

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