life of d

By davidd

Cheerio old chap

It was Ian's funeral at 2pm today, 13 years ago on the 5th at 2pm Hayley and I got married, Ian was our best man. Talk about timing. Still it made the lead into the Eulogy I delivered a little easier to think of.

So this afternoon I stood up and with a little help from his mum (I had an emotional moment as I got started so she came up and held my arm) I told the congregation some little bits about Ian that they might not have known. It funny how I have agonised over what to say, drafted and redrafted it. H as usual has been massively helpful hearing it time and time again, telling me to slow down, speak clearly and think of John Cleese doing funny walks if it is all getting a bit much. Our friend Andy stayed over last night and had to suffer multiple readings this morning which may have been tricky after all the calvados we got through on Sunday night.

My heart goes out to his Mum, Dad and Sister, they were so very brave today. I'm sure he'd have been very proud of them.

So when we got home we lit a lantern for him, saying our own goodbyes as it soared into the sky, higher and higher until it was just a tiny speck.

Cheerio old chap, thanks for all the memories.

D, H, A & P xx

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