Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Smile for the camera!

Today myself and LilyTheLab aka Sarah did a half day photography course we bought off Groupon. It was mainly based on portraits and the dude running the course had all the flashes and lights etc, but also lots of good advice for amatuers. He ran through the basics around aperture, shutter speed and ISOs. I still find I have to think things through and, although I try to shoot on manual, the correct settings dont come naturally to me yet! I have to think things through..........but I get there eventually.

Sarah insists NO ONE can get a good shot of her - well, here's the poof that that is rubbish. I think this is a lovely shot of her. Very natural and lovely, just like her. Towards the end we were like giggling school girls at the back!

The model for the day that the course used deserves pins in her eyes as she was uber gorgeous and uber photogenic even in the shots we caught her unawares! I think I have learnt some stuff, but we will see. I will keep my eyes peeled for another course I think, as it was useful to practise with someone there to ask questions.

I'm still catching up on comments from yesterday - I will get there though. Thanks for your kind comments AS ALWAYS!

Home for dinner now which Si has started - he has also mopped and cleaned the you think he's after something??

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