
By middleman


Well, the PJ Harvey gig in Glasgow can be best summed up by the single word - 'underwhelming'.

It pains me to say it, I've been a big fan of hers right from the start but last night just didn't do it for me. Part of it is to do with the new album 'Let England Shake' being such a closed entity in itself and such a singular piece of work that to intersperse tracks from it with the occasional one from the back catalogue seems a little incongruous, almost unnecessary. Ideally, just perform the new album from start to finish as a single performance. The subject matter also lends itself to such a rendition, it's almost doing a disservice to the material to have it any other way. It wasn't really a gig last night in the usual sense, more like a very precise, stylised theatrical performance with a complete lack of audience involvement or connectivity. I can't fault the music itself, PJ and her band were on absolutely cracking form, but the execution, well, it left me pretty unmoved and unexcited. There's a similar view expressed (not to mention a rather good photograph of Peej in action) over on just sitting''s journal.

What have I been doing today? Oh, the usual. Additionally, found myself borrowing 18saughtonmains' shed for this image and checking out some old tunes by this guy. He's well worth a listen.

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