
By notsonormallife

Just another brick in the wall!

Brick Walls are hard, & it feels like I'm banging my head against it!

I'm so frustrated at people posting passive aggressive/cryptic messages in public forums.. It annoys me that people post messages on public forums like Facebook & Twitter, & then when you ask them about it, they say they either don't want to talk about it or they don't want you to know.. Well why put it on a public forum where you know I will read it!

Now I know i'm not innocent in this rant, as I have been in the past a bit partial to a cryptic FB status or two. However I feel I have grown out of it.

If you have been a long term subscriber you may ask "Er.. Aren't you being cryptic about yourself on here?". Well yes, I'm being cryptic on a public forum, however I did this blog anonymously so that I can be free to write about my thoughts & know nobody can judge me for it. If I told people I know about this site & my journal, then the thoughts I put down would no longer remain private, & that is why I post on here. To organise my private thoughts. The long term readers will also say "Didn't you have two friends who have found you on here".. Well yes, & to be honest they have been gracious enough to respect the privacy I wish to keep this blog in. Out of respect I will not post any of my private thoughts that include them, ( I post them somewhere else! Haha there I go being cryptic :-/ )

I'm kind of straying from the point here though, Facebook & twitter are places where you know your posts will be seen. If you don't want people to know about your problems don't publicise them. The internet is good for a few things, & one is the possibility of anonymity on sites like this (as long as I don't post anything illegal anyway). I hate it when people misuse the Internet for attention seeking.

Well rant over, I'm off to find a brick wall to take a photo of!

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