Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Water feature at the Beeb

I'm slightly early for my meeting with Gary at the BBC this morning. Which gives me a chance to confuse the guy who reads the Sport news on BBC Breakfast by crouching down on the pathway to the Media Centre to get the right angle for this picture...

... you'd think he'd never seen a snapper before!

Great chatting to Gary, catching up and showing my book, then back home via High Street Ken to make follow up calls for the remaining afternoon.

Early evening I went to meet Adeline at the Hospital Club in Covent Garden and to see 75 years of Esquire covers. The show was not quite as mind-blowing as I'd hoped, more thought-provoking though (which is better).

Adeline made a very astute observation about scale and perspective regarding the Dustin Hoffman cover. in the original Hoffman is overwhelmed by the city, however his contemporary looks as though he is part of it. The shift in meaning is achieved by a small shift in perspective by the photographer...

... you got to see it!

Adeline also confirmed I have a slot for an exhibition at RPM3 Beechwood later this year.... yeh!

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