Never thought I'd still be here 300 days on and without a gap.
Its certainly been a challenge at times but I've thoroughly enjoyed it and intend to carry on to the biggy

A great place to come to view all this inspiration, I have made many virtual friends here too. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and advice, you have given me so much support which has kept me going and I've learned so much more than I knew last summer.

I apologise that I've not been able to comment on everyones journal, there are just so many wonderful blips to see and get around

Thanks again Joe and the team at HQ for all your hard work, without you guys I wouldn't have discovered this passion, and I love the discovery and the seeing of new things daily. I've enjoyed also being a bit more experimental.


Too many favourites to link, I may do this later.

Note to Blip HQ, I've wrote on the leaves, its not photoshopped

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