
By Robofoto

Ferrari 360 Spider

Mrs C's brother Mario is 60 today, and and we clubbed together and rented a Ferrari. The reason for this is that Mario is Ferrari daft, and has never been in one.

Unfortunately for him he has never been able to drive, but fortunately for me I can, so as the nominated driver I was the lucky one.

We had also bought him a Ferrari T-shirt, Baseball cap and Trousers, and organised a Ferrari cake. We all met at a hotel on the side of Loch Earn and hid the Ferrari at the back of the Hotel. After lunch I drove it round to the front and we all congregated outside. When he came out it was 'Surprise - look what we've got!' I thought he was going to pass out. So after lot's of pictures I took him for a drive round the local area, I'm telling you he had a smile as wide as the Clyde, only matched by mine.

What a machine - absolutely amazing. Fast, loud, totally OTT and we loved it.

When we got back I took out most of the rest of the gang for a quick blast. This is me with Bruce. Apologies to those looking for a quiet afternoon as this silver Ferrari zoomed up an down the edge of the Loch - but the sound was amazing.

So 6 months to plan, and it's all over and I jumped in the Volvo diesel to go home

Ah well, one day, but if I had £60k to spend on such a car (going price) think I might go for a Lambo - but beggars can't be choosers

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