
By Exbeeb

My mask for the day

This is about the best I could see through this visor the whole day. When it started raining in the afternoon, it steamed up to such an extent that I could not even see my feet. But they made me keep it on, there were strict regulations about when the mask could and couldn't be lifted. Mainly, it had to stay firmly over my visage or I would face instant ejection.

The bruises I cannot count. It was the last five minutes in which I collected most of these, apart from a lump on my right temple and a gash on the top of my head, from a passing branch. It was when I ran out of balls the trouble really started - I was a sitting target and the blacks were remorseless. The blues would have treated me better I am sure.

This was my first foray into paint balling. Philip, his 4 friends and Alex were all old hands at the game. I was the oldest there (by about 20 years I would guess). Would I do it again? Maybe - it's not the pain of being shot or the lumps that appear some minutes after that would stop me - it would be the weather forecast. Playing paintball with zero visibility is no fun.

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