Once a Day in the West

By thatpowanwoman

Day 10 - Something I made

Day 10 of the challenge - Something I made. You can find it here - the Challenge

This one's a bit cheesy! Ok, so I didn't 'make them' as in sew or stitch them together, but using my very clever woman's bits'n'bobs I constructed these two; they both took a shade over nine months. As you can see from the smaller photo they're clutching, they've come a long way already and are very much still a 'work in progress'. They are the best thing I have ever done, my finest creations!

I have sometimes envied those friends of ours without kids with their disposable income, fabulous holidays and gorgeous shoes, however, I wouldn't swap eating scrambled eggs on toast in our draughty wooden house in a forest with these two amazing kids for cocktails on a caribbean beach in Jimmy Choo flip-flops - EVER!

To Bobby and Effie, love, Mum x

Also doing this challenge:

This challenge is being tagged as 'photo challenge 082011' for easy searching.

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