MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Sea Harpy!

In Bridlington there's a fantastic pleasure boat called The Yorkshire Belle. Sometimes it does cruises that last all afternoon.

I was sat on the harbour waiting for it to come in and was bemused by all the gulls wheeling about because the tourists keep chucking them chips.

They shouldn't do it, really, because it encourages them to swoop at people who are eating and then we wind up with ensuing 'Attack of the Killer Seagull' stories in the local paper.

However, I was glad of it today as it resulted in me getting this photo of a very young gull in flight!

The afternoon trip out on the Yorkshire Belle was amazing. It took us out to Filey Bay so we passed Bempton Cliffs and marvelled at the thousands of Gannets that nest there each year. It's the only place in England that they'll nest. It was wonderful to see the cliffs from such a different perspective.

We then sailed quite a way out and met the Queen Elizabeth making her maiden voyage to Edinburgh. She came right up to us, blew her horn, then sailed on past Flamborough Head. She was quite a sight to see!

I was so spoiled for choice as to what to blip today as I got a number of remarkable sights on camera. Fabulous day =D

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