
By karenjulia

Dave's Choc mousse

This dessert gets made on special family occasions. Tonight is Abby's second 20th birthday dinner. The one earlier in the week because Kariba was here but mum couldn't be and tonight when mum was available. Although Kariba has now gone back to Wellington (and I am sorry you missed out on this Kariba, we'd send you some if we could!)

The finished pillowcase looked great and was well received.

Its a year today since the Sept 4 Christchurch earthquake. As I was loading this photo we just had a 4.4 which seemed to last for ages. But no one really turns a hair anymore. Strange what you get used to. However they are not pleasant to live with and we'd all be happy if they could stop now!

On a nicer note: For those following the Happy Feet story... he was released today and as he is wearing a tracker, you can sign up to follow his progress.

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