Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Block Party!

Every year during the Labor Day weekend, the block I live on holds a block party, organized by a couple down the street. There's always a politician handy, because the husband is the Democratic Party point man of the neighborhood. This year the mayor came, and it was the governor last time I attended (yawn). I wanted the blip the longer scene, showing everyone cooking on BBQ grills and the kids playing in inflatable trampoline castles, but this shot of a boy who I don't know riding his unicycle took the prize. I stopped in for a plate and some conversation before going to show my foster cat to a possible adoptor and then to a nice Bon Voyage Ethiopian supper with friends.

It's actually a nice little street. Old timers say that in earlier decades it was mostly student renters, whereas now it's mostly owner-residents, many with young children. I wouldn't mind moving for unrelated reasons, but this little patch of Civilization has qualities that I appreciate on a day like this.

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