
we needed a day off - with a long lie. but flippin foghorn leghorn (peggy) was up shouting about stuff and nonsense at 7am as usual. infact not as usual - she manages to sleep longer on weekdays. bah

anyway - we went to the beach pool for a swim and a shot on the flumes this afternoon which was great fun...lots of tattooed folk in the pool, they probably seemed like a good idea at the time haha. then along to the inversneckie for coffee and puddings after - lovely. here's a pair of curly-tops - b and wee eleanor - with their matching ringlets.

I chickened out of asking to blip someone I didn't know today. residents of aberdeen, particularly bridge of don will know the guy that wears the kilt and leather jacket with the tartan sash and metal armoury all over him. he looks like something from highlander and wears the same thing no matter what the weather is like. I always think that he looks like he'd be far too hot in his get up and that his clothes must weigh a ton. anyway, we saw him twice today - we drove past him and the kids were glued to the window staring at him, then funnily enough we walked past him in asda later on. funny firstly because he looks so completely out of place in asda with a shopping basket and secondly because the kids were so stunned when he walked towards them... he strode past us in a cloud of patchouli oil and eyeliner and by the time I had plucked up the courage to ask to blip him, he'd gone....probably back to his two bedroomed semi in bridge of don haha!

next time...

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