Ruthy's Record

By ruthyR66

Anyone for a Cupcake?!

Today me and hubby went for a 5 mile run/powerwalk for the first time in months and boy, it certainly was tough!! Feels like I've gone back to square one, had to mainly powerwalk rather than run! Its amazing how your fitness levels can drop so drastically in a matter of months.
So its back to the grindstone as far as the running is concerned, need to get back on course and start bringing down the mins per mile!!
Once we got back, our 2 girls went on the train to Cardiff with their mates for a bit of fun and retail therapy so hubby and me had a peaceful afternoon. By early evening I felt the need to find something to do so ended up baking some cupcakes, which I haven't done in ages and even though I say so myself, they are very yummy.

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