Refining the Edges

By refiningedges


I finally went for a walk in the woods, after a long time away. Boy, did I need it. I have been working hard and not taking the time to de-stress. For me, that's a recipe for disaster. I must keep exercising, now that I've started again. With the weather cooling off, it will be a little easier.

I was especially tense today because I had to take Sunny-girl to the vet in the evening to get her ears checked. She hates these trips, which involve a ferry ride and a wait on the tarmac. Being of feral origin, she is more upset with these trips than most cats. I get terribly stressed just having to take her. So today's walk did me good....sort of a wind down before having to get all wound up again in the evening. Her ears did get checked and looked OK so now we are back at home relaxing. Whew!

These ferns were nestled in a lovely sunspot on the forest floor. I thought they were quite striking. Hope you enjoy them.

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