
By mollyblobs

Because it was there...

I wonder what prompted this little flea-beetle to climb to the top of this sunflower sepal. It certainly doesn't eat sunflowers and it was poised at the very tip for some time before pinging itself off into the ether (they have remarkably strong back legs and can jump huge distances, hence the common name). Perhaps it was just for fun and because it was there....

Another very busy day. We set off at 7am for Colchester, and would have had a good run if it hadn't been for a boorish middle-aged man in a black 4x4 who really made my blood boil. It's the second time this week that I've been on the M11 and had a 4x4 driver almost touching the back bumper, when I've been stuck behind a queue of traffic, unable to go any faster myself. These testosterone-fuelled morons seem to expect everyone to get out of their way, and it just makes me even more determined to pull over when I'm ready and think it's safe. He hooted at me as he passed, and I'm afraid he received some very rude gestures in return!

Our trip to the Colchester quarry was successful but very hot - summer certainly seems to have made a comeback this week! And once home it was back to the report writing, which I've just e-mailed to the client - a weight off my shoulders. Now I think there's just time for a little relax before heading off to bed and bracing myself for a weekend of holiday preparation!

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