Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

A sunkissed web

Oh no, only one more day of the school hols to go, although the kids drove me a little bit mad this morning! I'm really going to miss them on Tuesday when they go back to school :-( I finally finished the name labels today - what a job that was! We popped into town this afternoon to fetch the last of the bits and bobs - a bit of stationery, art pad, scientific calculator etc and then home where I did a bit of gardening - and found this huge spider and web. The sun was shining nicely on the web although I almost had to climb into the tree to get a decent angle!

I've been on tenterhooks all day as dad was at the hospital awaiting surgery on his eye (it's now a detached retina not a retinal tear). After waiting all day he was told at about 5.30 that there were too many emergency cases and that he'd have to return tomorrow. So back he goes at 8am for another long wait!

Good news on blip this evening - Sparky Markie is back! Yay - it hasn't been the same without him the past few days. Let's hope that he's left alone now to get on with blipping what he wants to without being constantly reported!

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