Country File

By marypot

Little Miss Grumpy

What a perfect day! We had a gorgeous walk up at Hadrian's Wall, followed by a picnic lunch by Walltown Crags Quarry and then some more walking round the little lake there. The weather forecast had been gloomy, so we had dressed in layers, but in actual fact it was the warmest day of the year so far (23 degrees celcius) and the sun was beating down on us all day.

It is one of those days where I have so many lovely photos, but have ended up using something completely different. We hadn't a sunhat for Grace, so we had to improvise by making her an old fashioned knotted hanky type hat out of one of her burping cloths. She wasn't too fussed with it at first, as you can see. However, the grumpy moment was fleeting, and Grace went back to being Little Miss Happy immediately after, as she had been for the whole day before that.

To see photos from the walks, you can go HERE.

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