Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Cooooo'eeee over here ....

Went on a long dog walk with Wheeze and our children,this lovely barge trundled past and on the roof were two little Jack Russell Terriers with life jackets on.... they were not driving it,the humans were... who waved and Lucy just stood and stared,so Louise and I did the waving,as it would of been rude not to join in.
Eve has gone to Louises house as it is Floras 11th birthday tomorrow and she is having a sleepover,it will mean Flora is the very oldest child in the school.. how exciting !!!
Did some gardening,have decided I want a greenhouse.I am VERY good at gardening.
I have had no cake.... but did just purchase some pecan danish thingies for 10 pence !! TEN PENCE.. M&S do a nightly reduction thingy and we had no supper,so we got one of those buffet box jobbies.... and the TEN PENCE PECAN DANISH... x 2.ohhhhhhhhhh and some scones... for TEN PENCE.. and ... ohhh I could not help it .. two banoffee slices for TEN PENCE... someone stop me....
to all my friends in the USA it's TEN CENTS :D
Anyway Mr W is now dishing up.......

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