Tales from a Digital Guy

By digitalface

Whirley Thing

Well it's day 4.5 of having the flu...it started off as man flu, progressed to woman flu, and now its bison flu ! My stomach feels like it's been worked over by Mike Tyson, my head feels like it's about to explode...and all the coughing has aggravated my back !...grrr....i managed to nip to the supermarket last night to get some more lemsip, and gievn that i'd had one 45 mins before i went, i was sweating like some sort of weirdo..thankfully this is not a normal look for me.

This whirley thing has been on the washing line for years, it always takes a crap shot and it's my mission to somehow make it look something special - as you can see, todays attempt has failed, but as it took all my energy to lift up the camera to take the shot it'll have to do.

So to all the sexy ladies out there getting ready to proposition me, forget it, I'VE got a headache ! LOL

Happy Friday

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