Blip said "an error has occurred" after my previous write up, so here we are.
Music for Thursday. Nothing to do with today, I just like it.
Takes me back.
Salford Quays was beautiful and warm and bright as I walked to work this morning.
THIS is the proof. Stopped and took this as I walked to work.
Is the flickr picture "better" than this? I don't know and my head hurts too much to dwell on that for too long.
It may well have been sunny, bright and warm for the rest of the day, but I was too busy to even take a lunch break, so there you go. Didn't finish until 7.30pm. So there you go. Again.
But my best chance of respite today was this chair, so it is my blip. Yes, it might have been indoors, but it held the promise of a pot noodle, crisps, chocolate and a can of fizzy nonsense while listening to something on my iPhone that would sooth and calm me.
In other news, I am about to retune the ukelele that I have never ever mentioned before in more than four hundred blips, and I shall have a play with it tonight, so there get the picture. Ha ha, pun intended!
The weekend is nearly here! Rejoice. (If you're still reading.)
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