Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Tower in the sky

Perhaps Rapunzel is up there hiding.
Methinks somehow I won't be submitting this to the Photo Critique Group.

Every car I have ever driven, but not the last one, I have had to have a board under my foot at the accelerating pedal because the joint of my ankle is limited due to an injury I had when I was a young tear-away.
With this new-to-me car I had to find a board again. I found a scrap but it didn't really serve the purpose as it was a bit on the thin side.
I went to Dave Cohens workshop and asked Dave if he had a thicker piece. Like a flash he took his bandsaw to a piece of foam and cut it into a wedge shape and proceeded to place this under the car mat.
Genius. It is in no danger of slipping around and supplies the amount of height I need with bouncy comfort as a bonus. What a man. He is so at one with materials.

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