Lali's World

By Lali

Food 5 - Strawberries

Ok. This one is a bit healthier than the muffins, and a bit tastier than the lemons, so something in between!

I love strawberries, preferably with cream. In a cake they taste really nice too!

Only one day to go for my holidays! I'll bet tomorrow it will be the slowest day ever. The clock will just stop! Let's hope it goes fast enough anyway.

Feeling rather tired after work. Today I went to buy all the ingredients for the wedding cake. The lower tier will be chocolate, the middle one carrot and the top one lemon! It will be an interesting cake!

Not much more to report really. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened today. Just need time to relax.

Thanks very much for your comments! I hope you all had a nice and interesting day! :)

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