
By Icarus59

You have to be nuts !!!!

This weekend was the weekend from hell health wise in my family and it hurts to see someone you love in so much pain and you cant do a thing to help them except put your trust in doctors.
I had my youngest staying this weekend and we had all sorts of mad things planned for us to do ( mostly him as i cant fit on his bike fat git that i am).
Unfortunately nature interviened and my old mum was rushed into hospital on Saturday night throwing us into a panic but luckily the doctors have hopefully solved her problem.
Normally Cameron would have been the one hareing around the dirt track but as neither of us was in the mood to mess around we sat back and watched how it should be done without falling off.
This young gentleman took Cameron under his wing and showed us the does and the donts and i can say that he was good.
Next time you never know it could be me out there .
After visiting time at the hospital tonight my old mum is insisting that she wants to go for a ride on the back of a bike so if anyone out there fancies having a near octogenerarian as a pillion let me know.

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