
I think these are the seed heads of Giant Hogweed, but, I could be very mistaken.

However having read the literature about it on the web, I am lucky not to have received burns while picking the stems to blip, and I should now bin these seed cases lest their contents are dissipated to the surrounding ground and I am held legally responsible for an invasion of Giant Hogweed, so unwanted are these plants which colonise large tracts of ground inhibiting other growth, and whose sap is so dangerous to the skin.

Nevertheless the seed heads appealed to me for their subtle colours and shape, but having had their day on the internet, they are going into the bin straight away.

Yesterday's lunch with my bridesmaid was a wonderful trip down memory lane with not one mention of electrons or crystals, but plenty of 'do you remembers' which was sometimes successful and sometimes not.
We both laughed at how worried we had become at forgetting names and words on demand, only to remember them long after they were needed. If only it were possible to defrag one's brain.

It never fails to make me laugh that women of a certain age can conduct a perfectly sane conversation without the need for a particular name for a place or person. It is amazing how ingenuity can overcome the omission. But it is sometimes hard not to believe you're on the way to the funny farm.

I hope we don't lose touch again I. You know who you are.

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