Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee

...brought to you by the letter, B.

So, I am vising my friend, and she is setting up her classroom in preparation for school starting next week. Because I am such a wonderful friend, I am helping. And I would just like to say, setting up a classroom...or the "deep cleaning" of it, is a LOT of work. I don't mean "a lot" in the sense that you need to come in a few days in advance...I mean "a LOT" in that if she had a month to do nothing but clean and set up the classroom full time with 2 people, it still might not actually get done in time.
One of the many downfalls of the educational system - unreasonable expectations of humans trying to do an exceptional job. But I won't get started on that...

Today's progress was brought to you by the letter B. B, for Awesome.

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