Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Fooled Again

Along with Mums and Asters, these seed pods have always been a fall favorite of mine. I like to use them dried in a vase. Called Silver Dollars or Money Plant, they get tiny clusters of pink flowers in the summer. Trying to be smart, I planted some a few years back so as not to have to buy them every fall. When the plants come up, they resemble wild flower/weeds, & I've ended up ripping out most of them before they get to the stage I recognize. This year, I thought, they won't fool me! I didn't know why mine looked so grey & dirty, though. Today, when going to photo them, I discovered you need to (gently) peel off the outer front & back layers to reveal the pretty, silvery innner seed pod. Always something new to learn, especially just when you think you've got it all figured out, finally! Apparently I was fooled again!

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