Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

Both Sides of the Wall

Meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings today at work. Got very little actual work done and we have the clients coming tomorrow! The project's ground me down and I don't even feel nervous about speaking to them tomorrow. I just want their material - blacker than the night, so it is - to eff off and stop staining everything it touches! I'm all outta lab coats!

Went for a nice therapeutic swim after work tonight so might start going on Monday evenings for ladies night. Think it'd improve my quality of life.

I have a meeting at STA Travel on Saturday morning to speak to people about booking flights to New Zealand in February for a few weeks. Trying to stop myself from getting excited just yet!

This is a photo of a wall on my way to work. I like the different textures and the colour of the moss.

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