Busy day. K had her usual French lesson, then off to Toulouse to do some clothes shopping for the kids, then off to pick up Mr B from the airport. Actually, scratch that, then off to Toulouse to swear at the inability of any Drivers in the area to conduct themselves around a roundabout competentently, then drive around a car park for 25 minutes failing to find a parking space, then off to park in the blissfully empty and shady airport carpark to sob quietly for a while intil Mr B's flight landed.
Convertibles are definitely less fun in the scorching Midi sun than you might think (but still better than a car with no aircon).
Anyway, the kids' school stuff is finally all purchased and sorted, after a slight equipment failure when it turned out that 4 metres of label for the labelling machine was not enough to get the job done. At bedtime Mr B pointed out that tomorrow is Conor's first day at school - ever. Now I feel the need for a little sit down.
Edit: forgot to mention the picture. I was parked when I took this; the jerk in the truck was pulling out into a busy road with very poor visibility while on the phone and smoking. I'm not sure what he was using to operate the wheel. Just after he left, a lady arrived and parked on the other side of the road while having a very animated phone conversation. I can barely walk while holding a phone conversation, so I don't know whether to be shocked or impressed.
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