not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

playing with dad

busy day to day i did one of those jobs you start and wish you had not i cleaned and tidy the food cupboard out i am sure there was things in there that we had in there when we moved down here about three years ago.

Then our tumble dryer died we did get it given us so we can not moan. Keith's sister's other half came and had a look and seemed to think it was the motor and we said that is would not be worth doing a new one. So we will have to save up now.

Then in the afternoon we went in to the neighbours garden where Keith is doing her garden weeding and he is going to keep it up for her.

Tonight we took molly on the sand as she has not been on it for a while because of the tide times and it has been in the middle of the night when it has been out and noway would i get of bed at 1 am to take her to the beach.
this is molly having a play with her dad on the beach.

I am now waiting for a bath so i can have and a soak and read my book i am that point when i have just about finished it and waiting to starting a new one

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