
22months 10days

..... on top of the garage is the most appropriate place to play. It's definitely not the most efficient way to play as one has to get up and down everytime to get the next car. Unless one gets one's mummy to do the leg work.

Big day again for us. Her first session being left at nursery. She did really well, although it was tough (on us both!) She didnt cry when I left her, but wasnt very amused. She eyed up some dinosaurs, although she wouldnt go play. When I got back, she saw me, grinned, ran to me, then cried. That "I'm so relieved youre here, but cant believe you went and just cant process this all" kind of cry. It didnt last long. The staff told me she'd had several spells where she'd filled up, but was distractable. Monkey was clung to the whole time. She'd been quite uncertain about joining the other children - she wanted to go outside but only to watch. She watched them doing sticking, but wouldnt do a picture. She did eat a snack, and when they got jigsaws out, she really got stuck into that,which is what she was doing when I arrived.

We went to a charity coffee morning after nursery - she seemed determined to test every variety of bun, but I soon discovered this involved simply licking the icing and then rejecting it! She drank from a proper china teacup, looking rather adorable. And charmed all the ladies, and blagged a balloon of course. We had a walk with a friend for a while, but she was soon rather tired, so home we went.

When she woke from her sleep, Granny and Grandad had popped in for a quick visit. She was very snuggly with Mummy but then did lots of colouring in, switching between them both to hold the book. We played together, her and I, for a bit longer before we went to meet an old friend of mine, who I hadnt seen since before I had her. We had a lovely catch up over a couple of coffees (and babyccinos!) and Katie was being her sociable self, playing peekaboo, doing lots of stirring (and a bit of spilling, but then wiping up after herself!) She was playing peekaboo behind her water cup and I said "where are you?". Her response? "Hiding with juice". Silly mummy!

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