Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1


Today I attended the E.N.T. out patients dept for a pre-op appointment. Next Tuesday, I am to have a minor surgical procedure, to fit a titanium implant, into my mastoid bone. Because of my type 2 diabetes, I have been suffering from more than my fair share of ear infections. So my new ENT consultant has reccomended me for this procedure. Although, the implant will be done with a local anaesthetic, I have previously been refused the procedure, because there is sometimes an issue about funding. My consultant asked me which area I lived in, and when I told him, he gave me a pat on the shoulder and told me I would be O.K. I presume this is what is meant by the post code lottery.
I did write an explanatory paragraph, but when I read it back,it sounded so anorakish, that I did not want any of you good people to suffer. Basically, the baha should eliminate my recurrent infections, because the hearing aid will attach externally. Now that my employment chances are somewhat limited, I am grateful to the consultant,and the Local NHS Trust for approving the procedure, that hopefully will enable me to earn an honest crust again. The labourer is worthy of his hire.

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