Year Three

By RobotChicken

Really Bad Day

Today has to be my worst day in a long time.

The day started on a high with a friend more or less lending us their house for the night (previous night). Friend made a great breakfast, and left us to lock up.

It went downhill from there.

First 'stop', was by a Czech cop. Apparently I'd made an illegal left turn. To be honest, I thought it was going to be illegal, but the satnav was insistent, and there were no "no left turn" signs to guide me. So I figured that it was a left that could be made. Made the left nice and safely, and blue lights behind me.

That'll be 40E fine. But ahah, it's not, because the only place you can get change is a hotel, so they'll be having another 10E for the transaction. That's 25% commission for those wondering.

So 50E down we continue heading to my first appointment of the day - a 'friends' scrapyard. I need a wheel sheered bolt removing off of Goat. Shouldn't be too much of a problem with the right tool - stud remover.

Went to check on Goat after a few minutes, and there is a guy drilling a hole - Good. And then he's whacking a Torx bit into the hole. Not good. Torx bends. Drills a bigger hole, gets a bigger Torx bit.

What turns out to be a favour for me (they kinda owe me anyway - seeing as they've made thousands of Euros off my company for the last 5-6 years), they start adding a price to their crappy efforts. They want 200kr (8 Euro).

This is not going well, so I instruct them to put the wheel back on and I'll sort in London when I get back. Not going to be blackmailed.

But they don't. Oh no. They've got to try a bigger Torx and a bit of heat. Right....

After 3 attempts at telling them to put the F******G wheel back on it gets put back on. BTW, they also quoted me for a new disk, and new parts to complete the job that I want them just to leave alone "You cannot drive with that disk". "You cannot sit when I insert this wrench up your arse either".

We left on good terms. Maybe. Who cares. Just in time for one of our teams to cuss me out. Gees, thank heavens I went out of my way to help them out. F*****s.

And then the final part of the day involves driving through some of my 'favourite' countries on the planet, Belgium and Germany. Yeah right. Two of three worst countries on the planet you could ever have the misfortune to drive through. Only missing are is Sweden.

People believe that Germany has the greatest drivers in the world. It doesn't. Check their RTAs per mile driven. Germany has the world record for biggest pile up - 269 cars in the fog. Says everything you need to know - they don't even slow down when they have no forward vision. What's the worst that can happen indeed?

Germany had 1 good driver, Michael Schmacher, but even Michael had a crappy brother called Ralf. Don't see the rest of the family driving competitively either, do you? I suppose Vettel is quite good, but what do you expect when the guy drinks RedBull 24/7. Not like he's ever going to be anything but hyper.

As for Belgium, evil b*****ds when they are behind the wheel of a car. 250 miles of people going out of their way to cut you up. They drive from other regions just to annoy each other.

At least with Goat that I have no rear view mirror and no rear windows to look through as they try to cuss me through the window.

I had some really good shots of a rotting Jag in a scrapyard for today, but I can't be arsed. This just about summed my mood up.

This is a lesson on how not to promote your brand and someone elses during a recession.

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