
By tookie

New Digs

Happy Days are here dear friend LR has been living under the threat of foreclosure for over a year now. She had to retire from bus driving with a disability in 2010 and her income didn't cover her expenses. She couldn't afford to make her condo payments and no one made any offers to buy it. Under threat of foreclosure she finally found a travel trailer to live in. Another friend loaned her the money to buy it and her brother is fixing up a place on his property for her to live. There will be lots of room for her dog and best friend Buddy to romp around. He loves it there. Once she is out of her condo this is where she will live and she is very excited about it. She says it's really all the space she and Buddy need. She's making plans for her belongings and for her tv and computer and paring down on other stuff.

It's been such an arduous path with the indecision of where she would go...not knowing what she would live in and how she would manage to survive. It's working out now and she is really thrilled she now has some light at the end of a dark dark tunnel. Today she took me out to see her little trailer and the spot it will be on that will become home to her and Buddy:)

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