Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


The wonderer returns! Edgar shows off his second Reading Festival wristband. The first one has lasted a year and he can now proudly display two. I wonder how long this is going to go on for.

He seems very tired after Reading and the Notting Hill Carnival but he doesn't seem any the worse for wear. I guess having a tent helps a lot. I suspect five days sleeping in a chair in the rain because his mate forgot the tent (last year) will drum in a degree of self reliance ho ho.

I suppose I will hear some of the stories as the days pass and he drops his guard, I doubt I will hear all of them. His mother was starting to become concerned when he had been out of touch and not returned on time - his phone seems to have gone missing (perhaps diplomatically) Maybe it will reappear in his rucksack when the heat is off.

Anyway, despite the peace being shattered, it's nice to have him back.

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