Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Well Deserved

It was Hollow Jnr Snr's 8th birthday today. Mrs Hollow had booked a young farmer's day at Chatsworth for us both before Christmas, but we hadn't told her until we got there (that's some forward planning there!). We ended up feeding sheep, collecting eggs, mucking out the hens, handling guinea pigs, getting the cows in for milking and saying "Aaahhh!" a lot at chicks. (That's "Aaaahhh!" in a cute way and not a horror way.)

It was quite a busy day! Handling the chicks was the birthday girl's favourite bit, a nice banana and butterscotch cake in the restaurant was mine :-)

After a sneaky ice cream (pictured) and a play in the adventure playground, we nipped off to Sheffield to see her Godfathers for a treat dinner out - an all-you-can-eat Chinese. I ate all I could.

Just got back and there has been no time to even take the tags off her new bike! I guess tomorrow will be spent working off some of those all-I-ate calories.

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