A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Soft sky (again)


I wanted to blip something strikingly yellow to tell you about my yellow food phobia, but nothing was around. So this instead.

A couple of weeks ago, one morning, I blipped a similar sky from a similar position.
Seeing as how I've not been here for a while, I thought I'd do the same tonight.
I've cropped it a bit but aside from that, this is what the camera saw.

On the way home tonight, I saw a man threaten a security guard at a supermarket for daring to throw the man's daughter out because the guard thought that the girl and her mates might be trying to rob something.
The language was not particularly nice, and the last bit I heard was
"What time do you finish? I'll be back to ********* sort you out."
It's a pleasant world, innit?

For those still reading(!) who were asking about the processing on my recent blips, here you go:
The blip of the rose and of Daisy Nook were processed using Silver eFex Pro (recommended by my Rhode Island blipfriend DaveRI after I saw THIS blip), the others were done using the "nostalgia" mode on my Canon S90. Images processed in-camera. Essentially an auto setting apart from me using a dial to select how "nostalgic" I wanted it to look. So it's anybody's guess how it can turn out.

Peace! Happy Tuesday.

PS. What's going on with SparkyMarkie? I'm sure a blip has disappeared.


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